
I love the Pacific Northwest.  Really, I do.

It’s just that today, on this lovely Thursday in mid-June, when I’m dreaming of fresh, fragrant, tomatoes and lush basil, it’s RAINING!  Not just that little summer drizzle that dampens the ground and then blows over, but a cold-pelting-thoroughly drenching-steady downpour, that drives me to sit in front of the fireplace with a cup of coffee, watching the trees bow under the weight of their dripping leaves.  All day.

However, there is still that little matter of dinner to cook, so it’s off to the pantry I go to put together some sort of soup. 


I’m thinking that a thick, Tuscan-style bean soup with some crusty bread is just what this day needs –even though I’ll have to risk a soaking to bring chard and onions in from the garden.


Soup and bread.

It’s a good day, this lovely Thursday in mid-June.
